
Happy 2012!

2012...This is the year of the dragon by The twelve zodiac signs in chinese astrology.BUt actually,In the japanese are called dragon"竜-Ryu" or "辰-Tatsu".The dragon of western and ryu are similar but very differlent presence. People born in this year are as messenger of peace.(ex:1916,1928,1940,1952,1964,1976,1988,2000,2012...If you were born in these year,you are familia of Ryu too. The famous familias are John Lennon,Bluce Lee,Salvador Dali,Isamu Noguchi,Jeanne d'Arc,Florence Nightingale,Che Guevara,Édouard Manet,Hokusai Katsushika,Hellen Adams keller etc) And I lose my interest about spritual story "ascension" since I know about this.Because it's important matter (2012=the year of Ryu) than ascension for me and familia of Ryu.I hope everybody can fly high in this special-moment for Peace!

check the wiki about 竜(japanese)
check the wiki about dragon(english)