
Past Event : 波動 Hadooo @ 莫同

Sorry for late uproad about the event..

Actually I went to play experimental event in 22th July.
It was collaboration event of music & live painting.
Bakudo is clean and nice tiny bar in Ebisu,tokyo.

The owner of the bar , He is the famous artist (He was very famous fashion designer before).

He liked my music style when we met first time.
He was drawing mystical like moving city or something, and the guests was drawing freely also.But That's are just connected in the end...was really Trance Painting!

photo by chiyo_bb

We are planning to do this party again in autum.
see you soooooon*


2014.06.22 (sun)

1700 open 1800 start 2200 finish

"Hadoo - collaboration event of music & live painting"

Painter : Yossy (Bakudo)

dj : Yumii (space time garage)

¥2,000 (1drink & Hadoo snack for build up your vibration )

Facebook Event Page is here: